July 8, 2010

Thursday's Thoughts...

Thursday's Thoughtare my personal ramblings inside my brain.  If you want to see photos, feel free to skip.  If you'd like to get to know me and my random thoughts that so happen to fall on Thursday, keep reading. :)

Do you guys remember "The Secret"? The book/movie that took the country by storm? Featured on Oprah, Ellen, Larry King, a few years ago?

To very briefly summarize, it's a book/movie based on optimistic thinking. "Thoughts become things".  If you emit positive vibes, and positive thoughts, the things you think of will manifest themselves into reality.  For example, Ellen Degeneres said that she kept telling herself that one day she would host the Academy Awards, and envisioned herself doing so.  Years later-she did.  And she attributes positive thinking and visualization to her success and fortune. I completely agree that being a nay-sayer won't get you too far in life, but there were a few concepts and ideas in it that were a little far-fetched for me.  Like: "I started imagining checks coming in the mail, and soon enough checks started coming in the mail!" Hmmm....maybe I'm too much of a skeptic.

The point I'm getting at is: One thing that really stood out to me from The Secret- I wanted to share:  There is enough. There is enough good in the world.  There is plenty to go around.  There isn't a cap or quota of goodness we're allowed, and somehow we all have to share.  Those that are greedy, (negatively) competitive, or selfish seem to think that there isn't enough, and they need it all to themselves.  "The truth is there is more than enough love, creative ideas, power, joy, happiness to go around."  And in turn, there is enough business and clients to go around too.  No one is hogging it all.  This way of thinking is so inspiring to me, and I am finding it in so many successful people that I am meeting recently.  I hope that I can be like them and choose to collaborate, instead of compete.  Uplift, instead of depress.  Support, instead of oppose.  Because they all share their good with me, and I in turn hope to share it with someone else (instead of hogging it all to myself, like I do with brownies).  What are your thoughts on the matter this Thursday?


Donna said...

A good way to say that what goes around, comes around. If you're not willing to share, others aren't so willing to share with you. It's refreshing to see a young woman like you "get it". Way to be!

Erika Sullivan said...

This was very appropro for me to read right now, because I just read a talk by Elder Holland called "The Other Prodigal" (I suggest reading it if you haven't already.) He talks about envy, and the natural desire we have to compete. I want to share with you the end, where he says:
"Brothers and sisters, I testify that no one of us is less treasured or cherished of God than another. I testify that He loves each of us—insecurities, anxieties, self-image, and all. He doesn’t measure our talents or our looks; He doesn’t measure our professions or our possessions. He cheers on every runner, calling out that the race is against sin, not against each other. I know that if we will be faithful, there is a perfectly tailored robe of righteousness ready and waiting for everyone, “robes … made … white in the blood of the Lamb.” May we encourage each other in our effort to win that prize is my earnest prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

Very well-put Kate, and I have a lot to learn from you.

Kate said...

Thank you Erika for sharing that quote!

Marci said...

I believe you. Isn't life simply great!?! I would like to have more optimism. Good thing there's enough...